janeway + fulcrum_

A university-owned, holistic approach to open access book and journal publishing.

Janeway is an open-source journal and preprint workflow and publication platform developed at University of London. Fulcrum is an open-source platform for traditional and media-rich books developed at University of Michigan. Drawn together around our common belief in openness and not-for-profit principles, we provide a unified technological infrastructure and service for mission-aligned publishers of books and journals.

A partnership of:

A maroon shield containing an owl and a sword. Birkbeck University of London is written below.


  • Open-source infrastructure for journal publishing, developed under AGPL v3 copyleft licence
  • A university publisher, building tech to help us publish (we drink our own beer)
  • End-to-end workflow built to empower scholars, including review, copyediting, typesetting and prepublication stages
  • Integration with external vendors like typesetters and copyeditors
  • Specialism in human centred-design and user experience
A large yellow letter M on a blue background. University of Michigan is written below..


  • Open-source infrastructure for book publishing, developed under Apache-2.0 copyleft licence
  • A university publisher, building tech to help us publish (we eat our own gelato)
  • Focused on accessibility
  • Providers of media rich technology that expands the boundaries of the traditional book
  • Specialism in discoverability and preservation

Why together?

Fulcrum and Janeway provide our clients with unified project management for books and journals. This means you can use both platforms in your workflow but only deal with one contract and primary contact.

You will also benefit from a unified Aboutware website and the ability to embed accessible rich media (hosted by Fulcrum) in Janeway articles.

Our Story_

Director of Michigan Publishing Services Jason Colman met Director and lead developer of Janeway Andy Byers during a pre-conference presentation at the of 2018 Library Publishing Forum in Minneapolis. On that overcast and coffee-fuelled May morning, they found themselves in the company of a handful of likeminded academics and developers who had built new platforms without yet knowing of each other’s work and how together it might represent a wider movement towards university-owned publishing infrastructures.

Michigan had been concentrating their resources into building book publishing workflows which they’d imagined one day adapting to journals. However, watching Andy’s slides, Jason realised that the Janeway team had already coded the journal software that the Michigan folks were visualising one day needing to create from scratch.

Recognising that there was no need to build it twice, Michigan migrated their journals to Janeway and doubled-down their focus on accessibility and multi-media for books. The pair have since developed a strong cross-Atlantic partnership, with Michigan lending expertise about hosting media rich content without using commercial infrastructure.

Experiencing what sharing ideas and resources can make possible, they extended this ethos of collaboration. More recently, they have put forward successful joint bids to provide services for other missioned-aligned publishers in the open movement community.

Get in Touch_

The Janeway and Fulcrum package is modular and customisable, with the pricing dependent on publishing volume. Checkout the Janeway site and the Fulcrum site for more information.

For solo Fulcrum or combined Janeway and Fulcrum pricing please get in touch with Jason Colman. For solo Janeway pricing please get in touch with Andy Byers.